Freedom's Way Ministries, Inc.
"you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free" John 8:32
Our Pastor
Our Pastor
Bishop Joseph V. Garnett, III is the Pastor of Freedom’s Way Ministries, Inc. Located at 1952 Dawson Street in Wilmington, North Carolina. He is a native of Florida but has since made Wilmington his home. Bishop Garnett is married to Bregetta Garnett who is a native of Wilmington. Bishop Garnett is a graduate of Justice Fellowship College of Theology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies. Bishop Garnett believes the timing of God is always absolute. It is the timing of God that creates moments for him to minister the Word of God to us. Freedom's Way Ministries is a God fearing, Bible focused, teaching, and preaching ministry. The vision of the church is to equip, empower, and enrich the lives of the people with the Word of God.
It is in and through the church that God’s people are mobilized to impact the earth through the ministry of Bishop Garnett. It’s through the church that leaders are raised up who will stand strong in the word and impact cities and nations. His goal is to continue to provide mentor-ship and covering for other men and women of God in the vineyard. The Lord is using this great man of God to spread the gospel throughout New Hanover County and the surrounding cities and states that “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. He operates prophetically and is able to bring a dynamic word that is able to bring direction to all those that have an ear to hear. For all those that know him he will only help you and not hurt you. God’s word is renewing and comes to bring us life and that more abundantly.
The ministry of Bishop Joseph Garnett is anointed to serve his generation and those to come. He strives to further God’s vision for all to hear the Word and gain understanding of God's love and promise. We pray God continues to use his ministry to do greater exploits for the Kingdom of God!